Youth Talks

#BrandContent #Documentary #Report

Illustrate one of the largest global consultations launched with young people

The Higher Education for Good Foundation launched in 2022 one of the largest consultations ever undertaken with young people, with the aim of understanding their aspirations, their concerns and their expectations for the world of tomorrow. It’s called Youth Talks. In all, nearly 50,000 young people around the world responded to the consultation questions. The latter will have the particularity of using advanced algorithmic tools to highlight consensus and disagreement, but also weak signals and latent needs – valuable information that is not captured by traditional surveys.

The Foundation called us to “put faces and emotions” on this online survey. We casted and interviewed 90 young people in 13 different countries in 3 months. We produced one master video (below), and made all inidividual interviews available on Youtube in 6 different languages.