
A sequence of meticulously organised answers to the same exact question

  • Quelle est la plus belle chose que vous ayez vue dans votre vie ? - 20 Questions to the World

    La vie, la naissance de vos enfants, l'amour, la bonté humaine... Voici quelques réponses à notre...

  • Selon vous, quelle est la principale caractéristique commune à tous les êtres humains ? - 20Q

    Qu'en pensez-vous ? 💭 Nos invités se sont accordés, sans le savoir, sur l'existence d'une dual...

  • Si vous deviez écrire un livre sur le monde actuel, quel serait le titre ? - 20 Questions

    "Quel endroit de m**de." 🤬 Vous êtes plutôt pessimiste ou optimiste pour le titre de votre liv...

  • Que feriez-vous si on vous donnait, maintenant, 1 million d’euros ? - 20 Questions to the World

    Et vous, vous feriez quoi si on vous donnait 1 million d'euros ? 💸💸 Vous pouvez retrouver d'a...

  • Qui est la personne la plus heureuse du monde ? - 20 Questions to the World

    "Bien heureux les pauvres d'esprit." 😴 Qui est la personne la plus heureuse du monde, selon vous...

  • Si tu pouvais faire enseigner quelque chose dans toutes les écoles du monde ? - 20 Questions

    Et vous, vous diriez quoi ? Qu'est-ce que vous feriez enseigner dans toutes les écoles du monde si ...

  • Que vouliez-vous faire quand vous étiez enfant ? - 20 Questions to the World

    Princesse, trapéziste ou vétérinaire dans la jungle 🤔 Et vous, que vouliez-vous faire lorsque...

  • Quelle est la spécificité culturelle de votre pays dont vous êtes la/le plus fier.e ?- 20 Questions

    Et vous, vous êtes plutôt gastronomie, folklore ou littérature ? 💃 La culture, un vaste chant...

  • Si tu devais décrire la planète à un extraterrestre, que dirais-tu ? - 20 Questions to the World

    Un extraterrestre débarque et vous devez lui décrire la terre. Par quoi commencez-vous ? Plutôt o...

  • De quoi avez besoin ?

    Et vous, de quoi avez-vous besoin, vraiment ? Vous pouvez retrouver d'autres vidéos de réponses ...

  • Que feriez-vous si on vous donnait 1 million d’euros ? - 20 Questions to the World

    Que feriez-vous si on vous donnait 1 million de $ ? Vous a-t-on déjà parlé de la façon dont nos...

  • 20 Questions About Women

    They come from France, India, Bolivia, South Africa, England, Nepal, Singapore, the US... and they'r...

  • Coromix #3 - Keep dreaming

    "My dream is to meet everyone in the world and try to get along with them" 20 Questions to the Worl...

  • Coromix #2 - We keep progressing together

    "Everyday, humanity is progressing" 20 Questions to the World is a human-based video documentary ...

  • Coromix #1 - We'll meet again soon

    "I believe that [...] we have been created to live in community" 20 Questions to the World is a h...

  • Mix of answers #38: "Come and visit earth"

    Pessimistic people tend to warn them not to come. Optimistic people urge them to come and visit our ...

  • Mix of Answers #37: We all dream for a better world

    "My dream is living in a peaceful environment where everyone is having a dignified life " 20 Ques...

  • Mix of Answers #36: We're scared of the future

    Flying cars, robots,... Discover how people imagine our world in 2100. 20 Questions to the World ...

  • Mix of answers #35: "What feminism is isn't properly understood"

    "What feminism is isn't properly understood" Official definition says it is the belief in social, ec...

  • French food - A cultural pride

    Since 2010, French cuisine has been declared a “world intangible heritage” by UNESCO. As you can...

  • Mix of Answers #34: When everyone wants to meet Obama...

    See a selection of answers to the question "With whom would you like to have a coffee with?" 20 Qu...

  • Mix of Answers #33: From a tiny house to a penthouse

    From a tiny house to a penthouse, owning its own house is one of our main purpose of life. And you,...

  • Mix of Answers #32 : A culture of joy

    See a selection of answers to the question "Which part of your national culture are you the most pro...

  • Mix of Answers #31 : The beauty of birth

    See a selection of answers to the question : "What's the most beautiful thing that you've seen in yo...

  • Mix of Answers #30 : A competitive world

    See a selection of answers to the question : Is your life easier or more difficult than the life of ...

  • Mix of Answers #29 : What could we have to say to an alien?

    Today is Easter, but it is also World Earth Day ! What would you say if you had to describe our sub...

  • Mix of Answers #28 : Laughter is what we have in common

    Today is the first of April! The perfect opportunity to make your best joke, and above all, the oppo...

  • Mix of Answers #27 : 2000 to 2100

    Close your eyes, you are in 2100 what do you see? 20 Questions to the World is a human-based video...

  • Mix of Answers #26 : People's questions about climate change

    When we ask people around the globe "What question would you like to ask to the world?", many of the...

  • Mix of Answers #25 : Singing around the world

    Twenty questions to the world have asked people from different countries to sing something beautiful...

  • Mix of Answers #24 - All you need is time (and love)

    20 Questions to the World is a human-based video documentary which aims at better understanding our ...

  • Mix of Answers #23 : Teleportation, that's what everybody wants

    People are waiting for a transport revolution 20 Questions to the World is a human-based video doc...

  • Mix of Answers #22 : How is technology shaping our world?

    20QTW - How is technology shaping our world? Technology often scares us when we talk about the futu...

  • Mix of Answers #21 : How Russian people see the future?

    Sometimes we observe specific trends inside one country. That was the case in Russia when we asked t...

  • Mix of Answers #05 : Songs from around the world

    See a selection of answers to the question : Can you sing something beautiful? 20 Questions to the ...

  • Mix of Answers #01 : What would you do if we gave you 1M dollars now?

    See a selection of answersfrom to the question : What would you do if we gave you 1M dollars now? 2...

  • Mix of Answers #09 : Fear of fear?

    See a selection of answers to the question : What are you afraido of? 20 Questions to the World is ...

  • Mix of Answers #20 : We all want to see the world

    See a selection of answers to the question : What is your dream? 20 Questions to the World is a hum...

  • Mix of Answers #19 : "Peace in the world"

    See a selection of answers to the question : If you were President of the US, what would your first ...

  • Mix of Answers #18 : "Love and compassion is my religion"

    See a selection of answers to the question : What does religion mean to you? 20 Questions to the Wo...

  • Mix of Answers #17 : Questions from the world

    See a selection of answers to the question : And you, which question would you like to ask to the wo...

  • Mix of Answers #16 : "One has to fall in love..."

    See a selection of answers to the question : If you had to describe our planet to an alien, what wou...

  • Mix of Answers #15 : "I wanted to be a crazy scientist"

    See a selection of answers to the question : What did you want to be when you were a kid? 20 Questi...

  • Mix of Answers #13 : Dream Jobs

    See a selection of answers to the question : If you could do any job, regardless of money, what woul...

  • Mix of Answers #12 : the bright and and the dark sides of humans beings

    See a selection of answers to the question : To you, what's that main characteristic that all human ...

  • Mix of Answers #11 : "You're happy when your life makes sense"

    See a selection of answers to the question : To you, who is the happiest person on earth? 20 Questi...

  • Mix of Answers #08 : "Arts are the basis of human understanding"

    See a selection of answers to the question : What should all the kids learn at school? 20 Questions...

  • Mix of Answers #07 : "A fried egg or a sunset"

    See a selection of answers to the question : Can you draw something beautiful? 20 Questions to the ...

  • Mix of Answers #14 : The American Dream

    See a selection of answers to the question : Which part of your national culture are you proudest of...

  • Mix of Answers #10 : which country is the most hospitable?

    See a selection of answers to the question Which part of your national culture are you proudest of? ...